Zany Times

I write about living positively and happily. I wish to share with you my experiences and thoughts about life and its challenges. I write about fun times and I will make you laugh often.


It is not difficult to get on with your colleagues at the workplace. It just requires some effort on your part to put into practice the following suggestions. One of the best ways to reach out to others is to develop a genuine interest in people. Not only should you be happy to interact with others, you should also let them know that they are important to you. From time to time let your colleagues know that you appreciate their advice, their help and their company.

Show Appreciation

When you see good qualities in other people, do not hesitate to show your appreciation. Let people know that they are producing good effective work. At the appropriate time, send a congratulatory message or good wishes to your colleagues. Thank people in writing for something they may have done or may have given you. Send cards to your colleagues.

Be Courteous

Being gracious and using words like “please” and “thank-you” will get you the support of others. It can also influence them to accept you as a credible colleague. At all times be polite and courteous to everyone with whom you work, be it the cleaner or the boss.

Communicate Well

People will appreciate your presence in the workplace if you communicate well with everyone. Not only should you speak clearly but you should express yourself well by using positive body language. Consider the tone of voice that you adopt and the words that you use.

When engaged in discussions, make sure that you ask questions and that you consider the answers that you get appropriately. Do not be too hasty to disagree with the answers that you receive. Avoid dominating any discussion or conversation. Try to be agreeable so that others will find it easier to interact with you. When someone makes a critical comment or an angry remark, do not answer immediately. Pause before you make a response. A good guide is to count up to ten before you answer the person.


Smile more often. This encourages people to feel happy and good towards you. Your colleagues will react well to you if you give them a smile . When you smile, you look more pleasant and attractive. Your smile is inviting and it draws attention towards you. It can also change your mood and attitude. You will be inspired to be happy. This in turn will help improve your relationships with others.


Cultivate a sense of humour and be a fun person. Humour will help to make situations which are unbearable seem bearable. It will make a miserable outlook cheerful. Humour will help to improve situations at the workplace and make relationships seem fun and enjoyable. Do not take yourself too seriously. Learn to laugh at yourself. Look at life through the eyes of a child. See everything as new, fun and joyous. Be excited about your work and your life. You should live life and exhibit much energy. Be a stimulant.

Relating To Others

Your colleagues will then find you inviting, interesting, open and expansive. They will want to work with you on projects and they will want you as a friend. Try to understand the views, feelings and experiences of your colleagues. Be sensitive to their feelings, moods, needs and wants. Ask them for their opinions, ideas and suggestions. Respect their views, values and lifestyles as we are all different in the way we live our lives. Always make others feel comfortable and relaxed.

Helping Colleagues

Be passionate about developing trust bonds with your team members. Help your colleagues to develop themselves. Encourage them to perform good work and to achieve their dreams. Be kind, honest and sincere to everyone. Do not take credit for things you have not done. Instead, credit people for their good work.


You should learn to be discreet, maintain integrity and keep private information confidential. Let others see through your actions that you keep all promises. Your colleagues will then trust, respect and admire you.


To reach out to your colleagues, it is essential that you have high self-esteem. You need to like yourself, have self-respect and accept yourself as a person. Be kind and patient with yourself. Make friends with yourself. If you treat yourself well, everyone else will treat you well.

A New Organisation

If you are new to an organisation, try to remember the names of your colleagues. Learn how to pronounce their names properly. The key to getting on with others is to make them feel important. Your colleagues will be drawn to you. They will enjoy being with you.

I leave you with this quotation by Maya Angelou:

” If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded.”