

With the rapid advance of technology and the fast changes in our modern world, knowledge becomes obsolete very quickly. New information is provided, new ideas and theories are introduced, new equipment is created and new skills are introduced. It is necessary for us to learn these quickly. We are presented with new knowledge and hence, we cannot afford to remain passive and ignore this explosion of information. We remain unhappy when we fail to keep up to date with new knowledge. To keep learning we need first, to be curious about knowledge, information and ideas. We need to acquire Curiousity. In this post I will define Curiousity, describe why people are not curious, explain why it is important to have Curiousity and suggest ways to develop Curiousity.

What is Curiousity?

Curiousity is defined as a desire to know or learn about anything. It is a state of active interest. A person with Curiousity genuinely wants to know more about something. Watch a pre-school child and you will observe the child constantly questioning. For example, the child will ask questions like the following: “What is rain? How does the car move? Why does the sun shine in the day? What is a cloud?” Parents and teachers will answer the child. Often when they cannot find an answer they tell the child to keep quiet. Soon the child loses the urge to ask questions.

Why We Stop Being Curious?

As we grow older we stop asking questions because we do not want to appear stupid. We do not want to look uncertain. In time we just accept things as they are and we conform. We lull ourselves into accepting what we know and with what we are familiar. We feel comfortable with the situation as it is and with the routine. We avoid stretching ourselves to learn new knowledge, new skills and new ideas. We deny ourselves the adventure and excitement associated with learning.

Reasons to Have Curiousity

At Work

When we ask questions and look for answers in our minds, we keep our minds active and strong. Curious people are constantly on the look-out for new ideas related to the issue with which we are curious. They are able to see new possibilities and answers hidden away. Curious people are always excited about life because there is always something new to examine.

When we are curious, we open ourselves to new and unfamiliar experiences. We observe things more deeply. We connect ideas, people and theories together. In doing so, we acquire high levels of satisfaction as we gain greater understanding and significant meaning from the new knowledge and experiences. We are then filled with joy and delight. Our lives are richer. Some research studies have found that people with high levels of curiousity have greater analytic ability and good problem-solving skills.

Personal Level

In their personal lives, curious people enjoy better relationships and happier marriages. The reason for this is that they have an attitude of openness and they are genuinely interested in other people. They have a tendency to ask questions of their partners and they also interact with them in an interesting and playful manner. This contributes to the development of a good relationship.

The curious person has been described as highly enthusiastic, energetic, talkative, confident and interesting in what they say and do. In fact, they generally have a wide range of interests. What is also good about curious people is that they are not timid, not anxious and not insecure.

Hobbies and Interests

People who are curious enjoy greater satisfaction with their hobbies, their interests and passions. They learn more and they find this most meaningful. The curious person who enjoys reading will look out for new and different books and will enjoy acquiring information about things. He or she will relish different styles of writing, characterization and storylines.

Ways to Develop Curiousity

The first step to developing Curiousity is to maintain an open mind. Be willing to learn, unlearn and relearn. Do not shut yourself from new knowledge and ideas. Start building knowledge.

Next you should tell yourself that things are not as they appear to be. Look around you. Look below the surface to find new ideas. Look at familiar things around you and look at the people close to you and find things you may have overlooked.

Use questions often. Keep using the words, what, why, when, who, where and how. Practice asking questions like the following: What is that? Why is it made that way? Who invented it? Where does it come from? How does it work? Listen carefully and do not judge or react immediately.

You should regard learning as fun. If it is fun you will keep pursuing it and wanting to look further for more information. Enjoy the learning process and see it as interesting and exciting. Do not think of it as boring as this will keep you away from learning new ideas.

If you are working, you should challenge yourself and undertake tasks and projects in which you are interested and which are successful.

To acquire more knowledge you should train yourself to read different materials and books on different topics. Watch videos, view lectures online and read articles on line. Read a new biography from time to time. By doing this you will learn much more and this will make everything around you more exciting.


Many inventors, writers and researchers have curiousity. Take Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Newton, George Bernard Shaw, Jane Austen, Leonardo da Vinci and Piccasso, they were all curious. Their curiousity led to their discoveries, their writing and their art. We need curious people for a better world, a more spectacular and fabulous world. Curiousity brings with it many benefits. As Alan Cohen said,

“It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.” –

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