My experiences with Drama have been with school, University and amateur theatre groups. These drama experiences taught me team work, consideration for others, planning and organisational skills. My sense of creativity was further enhanced and I became uninhibited. I found it easier to talk to new people and I became spontaneous. These experiences made me a better person. I believe that children should be exposed to Drama and should be given the opportunity to participate in dramatic activities. My experiences at Drama were most enjoyable and taught me many skills and values. Punctuality and ... [read more]


Participating in Drama added much fun, laughter and pleasure to my life. Let me, in this and another post, share some incidents with you. If you are a parent do consider encouraging your child to take part in drama. Drama develops confidence in the child and it helps children to express themselves well. A child will learn how to speak better and to be more eloquent. All of this is valuable for one's working life. Needless to say it is an excellent skill to have for one's social life. Acting in plays gives you the confidence to speak on your feet and to make suggestions. Drama also helps one to ... [read more]

I Do The Very Best I Know How, The Very Best I Can, And I Mean To Keep On Doing So Until The End.

My title is a quote by Abraham Lincoln and it was practised by someone I knew. Let me begin by telling you that many, many years ago I was enthralled by the books written by C.P.Snow. I then started to read the works of his wife, Pamela Hansford Johnson. She wrote 27 novels. Her books focussed on the moral responsibility of the individual in their personal and social relations. Her writing ranged from romantic comedy and high comedy to tragedy and the psychological study of cruelty. I was fascinated also by the relationship and life of this literary couple. Pamela H. Johnson’s book of essays w ... [read more]