

As with my last post for 2014, this, my first post for 2015 will be filled with happy, positive ideas for you. I will continue with suggestions of what you can do to lead a happy existence this year. 2015 comes with great promise and much for us to rejoice. We should embrace the year, fill our days with fun and various activities and live it to the fullest. Make this the year you develop Passion and Respect. Make this the year that you believe in yourself and do the best that you can do. I urge you to do something new and different this year and to achieve a particular goal that you have set for yourself. Enjoy yourself as you scale new heights and achieve much success. You will, as you do all this, achieve much happiness in 2015.

Develop Passion

We need to develop passion in all that we do, in our work, our hobbies, our interests. Develop a passion for life. As you get excited about life, you should live, experience, see and do new things all the time. Your passion can inform and energize you. Happiness will come when we open up to the fullest, the gifts, possibilities and challenges which life can offer us.

At Work

Work with passion. Enjoy the work that you do. As you do so, try to help other people enjoy their work as well. Hence, you will need to approach people at work with friendliness. Interact with more people during your day. It is good to cultivate friends at work. When you work with others, try to understand their views, feelings and experiences. Ask others for their opinions, ideas and suggestions. Compliment and praise others often as this will contribute to your overall happiness. Praise your colleagues and avoid putting others down.

When you see good qualities in other people, do not hesitate to show your appreciation. Let people know they are producing good effective work. When you make someone feel good, you will also feel good. Thank people in writing for something they may have done or may have given you.

We need to learn to be discreet, maintain integrity and keep private information confidential. Let others see through your actions that you keep all promises and that you are open to them. People will then trust, respect and admire you. Be open and honest.

Respect Others

Respect other people’s views, values and lifestyles as we are all different in the way we live our lives. We practice different religions, traditions and cultures. Each religion, culture and tradition is equal in importance. There is no one which is more superior or more important. Do not speak ill of others, their lifestyles, their religions or their cultural practices. Practice tolerance and harmony. Be nice to everyone and you will find that you become happier. Treat people with dignity and support the dignity of others.

Avoid pettiness as it generates fault-finding in people and situations. If we are continually finding fault in others and if we allow pettiness to dominate the way we operate, we cannot then attain happiness.

Live Each Day to the Fullest

In 2015, live every day to the fullest. Live for today, live for the present. You do not want to wait till you are eighty to regret about all the things you have not done. Make this the year that you realize your dreams, your goals. Make things happen in 2015. Change and move forward in life. Change and scale new heights! You can do it!

Feel happy, act happy and be happy today. Do not wait for tomorrow or the next week. I suggest that you tell yourself every day that this is your last day on earth and you will live it well. When you do so, you will make it a great day, a special day, a fabulous day. Recognize that each day is important and you should enjoy every minute of the day. Every moment is precious and unique. The manner in which you spend your days is exactly the manner in which you spend your life.

Work on your chores and projects, be they work related or personal, with passion. Give every moment your best. Enjoy everything that you do, from the ordinary to the unusual. Make simple, everyday chores seem special and most enjoyable. Identify what you are good at, your strengths and talents and use each one in a novel way.

Believe In Yourself

In my introduction, I urged you to undertake new activities and to achieve your goals. To do so, do not place limitations on yourself. Banish any doubts that you may have of yourself. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Keep telling yourself that you are an able, capable and valuable person. To be able to do something, you will first need to believe that you can do it. This will contribute to your happiness in your home life as well as your work life. Use your abilities and talents to the fullest.

When you embark on something new, give it your fullest attention. Do not think of other activities that you should be doing as you work on the present task. Your passion will fuel the energy to cope with all the new activities and new experiences.

Do Your Best

In conclusion I urge you to do your best in all that you undertake. It could be a big project or a small personal task. Be proud of what you do. When you do things well, you feel good and satisfied. This will make you happy. So do your best all the time. As Martin Luther King, Jr said, “If you are called to be a street sweeper, sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, ‘here lived a great sweeper who did his job well.’”

Stay happy in 2015.

1 thought on “2015– LET NOTHING HOLD YOU BACK”

  1. Happy 2015!
    I love this article of yours and it motivates me to do my best in all my undertakings. My goal is to be a better me in 2015. I am thankful for your inspiring message. Thank you, thank you!

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