

These words, “My son will be king” are the words that I hope Prince William would have said to his son as he held him for the photographic sessions after Prince George’s christening. I say this because I would like to see the Royal family remain in position for years to come. I believe the British Royal family is a unifying force for Britain. I know that there are people who would like to see the Royal Family removed from office but overall there are many more who would like them to stay on. This includes people like me who are not citizens of Great Britain.

The Queen

The Queen is a symbol of stability. She is a vision of elegance, graciousness and charm. As the Head of the Commonwealth, she has enhanced Britain’s position in this world. Her friendliness and her openness, when meeting the people of the Commonwealth and of course, the people of Britain, have endeared her to many. She is highly regarded and respected.

One must admire her for her dedication to duty, her commitment to her country, her love for her religion and her desire to see her people happy. From the time she was crowned as Queen to the present day, she has not neglected her responsibilities and she attends to her tasks diligently. We should emulate her passion for her work. We should use her as a role model for efficient and loyal service.

Pomp and Ceremony

I love the pomp and ceremony that the Royal Family surrounds itself with and this too makes Britain so different from other countries. There is much colour, music and style! The outfits worn by various people, the hats and the plumes make everything look special and outstanding. Perhaps I am a romantic or just plain old-fashioned but I believe that these symbols of pomp and ceremony are not just beautiful and elegant but symbols which evoke pride and respect.

The celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee last year were so well-planned. As a friend of mine said, “It is only the British who can organize these mass events with so much pomp and ceremony so well!” The Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant was truly spectacular with 1000 boats assembled from the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and around the world going past the Royal Barge.

The BBC Concert outside Buckingham Palace, the Service at St Paul’s, the Carriage Procession and the Balcony Event were beautiful, impressive and awesome! Seeing large numbers of people along the streets, all looking so happy and joyous made me feel that the Queen was not just a figure of state but a figure that was much loved and respected. People waved their flags and cheered as the Queen went past or when she appeared on the Balcony. They held parties all over Great Britain to celebrate, not because they were asked to do so but because they wanted to do so.

A Humane Element

The Royal Family is not just about pomp and ceremony. They are a family just like other families and they, like the rest of us, have their problems as well. Over the years we have observed some sad events take place with members of the Royal family. I am a great believer in privacy for the Royal family. The media should leave them alone.

The Younger Royals

We can see changes in the way the Royal Family conducts its work. Prince William represents a younger generation. His attitude towards fatherhood and his devotion to his wife make him an excellent role model for the younger people. As a member of the RAF, as a rescue pilot, he performed his duties well. Now he is preparing to take on other responsibilities. He is obviously well-liked and loved by his ex-colleagues, his friends and the people he meets. It is good to see a young, happy face and to hear a young voice speak at ceremonies and events. More recently we saw him sing with Bon Jovi and Taylor Swift at a concert for charity. Prince William will do the Royal Family and the British people proud. The media presents Prince Harry as a party person but his work in Afghanistan has been impressive.


The Royal Family is a rallying symbol for the people of the United Kingdom. The Royal Family inspires patriotism and common pride. To do away with this symbol and everything associated with Royalty would be a shame. The Royal Horseguards, the Beefeaters, the Royal Carriages and the National Anthem which are so much a part of the Royal Family would be removed as well. Britain would not be the same.

The Royals Should Stay

The photograph of the Queen, Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince George which was taken at the christening of Prince George is fabulous. It projects an image of continuity, of happy futures. My wish is that the Royal Family remains in place and that they continue to do their work for charities, for the people, for the Nation and for the Commonwealth. For more than 60 years the Queen provided a sense of calmness and continuity. I say this because so many Prime Ministers have come and gone. But the Queen has remained in her position. Her knowledge of past situations, political issues and national policies must be vast. Particularly, as the Prime Ministers of the past had and the current Prime Minister still has weekly meetings with her. The Royals are a national treasure. They enhance the greatness of Great Britain.

3 thoughts on “MY SON WILL BE KING”

  1. Although British-born, I am schizoid on this issue, as befits my current two nationalities, Australian and British: I am Republican for Australia and monarchist for England (note my careful terminology – I do not say for the UK, Britain or Great Britain, for I would never want to impose on proud Scots, Irish, Welsh etc)!

  2. I respect your opinion, but can’t agree as I am a Republican and anti-monarchist. This is an outmoded and useless institution that I think has no place in today’s world.
    I live in France and, although I am not French, nothing stirs my blood as much as la Marseillaise – a call to ordinary citizens to stand tall and take charge of their country, eliminating the useless, predatory and non- inclusive monarchy and it’s aristocratic cronies. I think the pomp and ceremony of the Bastille Day parade far outshines anything I’ve seen in any country with a monarchy (all of which are purely ceremonial now and serve no real purpose other than to fritter away tax payers’ hard-earned money in security etc).
    What I LOVE about the Republican way is that ANY boy or girl can aspire to lead their country through democratic vote. And occupy, for a designated time, properties (le Palais d’Elysee, the Istana, the White House), that belong to the people – not a particular family that acquires privilege by accident of birth.
    Privilege must be earned.

  3. Very nicely written.

    I don’t subscribe to it though. I’m a republican at heart and believe that everyone should have equal opportunity to be head of the state, regardless of their social or birth status.

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