

Each and every one of us can be an awesome person, an awe-inspiring individual. All we need to do is to implement certain practices and cultivate certain attributes. This will ensure that we, too, can be extremely impressive, amazing, incredible human beings. In this post, I share with you some ways that you can adopt, some beliefs that you can maintain and some practices that you can immediately apply that will make others see you as an awesome person. It is not difficult and you can do it! All of us have the ability and the talents to achieve this vision of ourselves. Too often, we do not allow ourselves to realize this vision. We shy away from becoming an awesome personality. We need to apply the following steps towards becoming awesome.

Step One

The first step is to believe that you can be an awesome person. You need to have the conviction that you are capable of being an impressive person. Hence you will need to cultivate positive self-esteem, which has been defined as the inner feeling of your own self-worth. Be positive about yourself, your abilities and your talents. Your thoughts are very important as they influence your behaviour. Believe that you are responsible for your success as an awesome person. Remember the words of Michael Jordan, “You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.”

Step Two

The second step is to project an image of an impressive, incredible human being. Treat everyone you meet with respect. Regard everyone as an important person, be it the street cleaner or the Chief Executive Officer. Awesome people are not arrogant or rude. They do not think highly of themselves, their qualifications, achievements or skills. They maintain a humble personality and they are kind to everyone. They speak to everyone and they are comfortable in the company of people from all walks of life.

Step Three

The third step is to acquire the relevant knowledge and skills for the job that you do. Keep learning and hone in your skills. Read up on the latest information and research on the relevant subjects. Take courses and attend workshops and talks. Surf the Internet for interesting articles and news items. Build up your credibility as a person who is well informed about the discipline with which you are associated. Offer to speak on the topic as this is a good way of learning more about the subject as well as demonstrating to others that YOU are an expert in the field.

Step Four

The fourth step is to be able to reach out to everyone. An easy and excellent way is to smile at everyone. Look friendly and happy. Do not frown or purse your lips. Avoid adopting negative body language, like crossing your arms over your chest and giving others your back. Do not look awkward and uncomfortable as this will make others feel uneasy. Maintain an open image so others will be drawn to you.

Step Five

The fifth step is to share the praise, accolades and achievements with everyone involved in the work. Do not take the credit for everything. Instead one should always thank everyone who has assisted in whatever work, task or project you have undertaken. Let people know how much you value their contributions. People feel good when their work is recognized. Let your friends and family members also know how much you value them as people. Compliment people for their achievements, for being themselves and for the things that they have done for you or for others.

Step Six

The sixth step is to keep in shape. By this I mean for you to be physically fit and to have the energy to take on your tasks. We need energy to go forward, promote ideas and face challenges. An awesome person is not fatigued or lethargic. Instead, he or she moves quickly, brims with energy and appears alert and motivated.

Step Seven

The seventh step is to inculcate virtues and values. People inspire others when they present themselves as honest, thoughtful, patient, generous and full of integrity. Live your values and apply them in all that you do. A person of good character is one who will be admired by many.

Step Eight

The eighth step is to cultivate a good vocabulary and to say the right thing at the right time. You can inspire others by what you say and how you speak to them. Read books on great men and great women. Read inspirational materials and marvel at the beauty of the language. Use inspiring language and be sincere in your delivery at all times. Adopt the right tone of voice.

Step Nine

The ninth step is to motivate and help others to do well. Awesome people are generally kind and generous to others. They are willing to spend time to help people change and be better at what they do and at being who they are as people. They will mentor, guide and teach others to acquire skills and to be better at their work. Awesome people are not selfish and will share their knowledge and skills with others generously. As G. K. Chesterton said, “There is a great man who makes every man feel small. But the really great man is the man who makes every man feel great.”

Step Ten

The tenth step is to cultivate a sense of humour. Awesome people are fun people with a good sense of humour. They laugh and they exude happiness all the time. People are attracted to this outpouring of humour and happiness. People want to be with them and to learn from them.


Being awesome is good and, as you can see from the above, it is not difficult for one to be awesome. When you are awesome, life is so rewarding and you feel stimulated and refreshed. You will feel exceptional and you will continue to amaze others.

I leave you with this quote by Rumi,

“You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly.”

3 thoughts on “YOU CAN BE AWESOME”

  1. Hi Zaibun

    thank you for continuing to write and share your wisdom and life skills. you are indeed an inspiration to all of us. I love being your friend and mentee.

    I must say now that I know you better up close and personal, I even read your writing hearing your voice and tone and envisioning your mannerism of speech. It is awesome!

    Cheers and LOL (laugh out loud)

  2. Hello Zaibun,
    How true…set a goal and believe you can do it. Two years ago, at age 67 and in a bush fire prone area here in rural Sydney, I qualified as an active bushfire fighter. Next, on my bucket list was to drive the BIG fire truck. Last week I did it!! I attribute it to the wonderful support and belief my colleagues and mentors gave me. It is never too late….next, pilot a helicopter!!
    Your old school friend,
    Janice Noble

  3. Dear Zaibun,

    You are truly AWESOME!!
    Wish you lived a little closer.
    We would be laughing all the way!

    Much Love Always,
    Your Partner in Play-Time,

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